Jędrzej Śniadecki
Persons, originating from Poland

Jędrzej Śniadecki

Born 30 November 1768 in Żnin, Poland
Died 12 May 1838 in Vilnius
Śniadecki was a Polish writer, physician, chemist and biologist.
He created the modern Polish terminology in the field of chemistry.

He was appointed as the first professor of medicine and chemistry at the Imperial University of Vilna. One of his students was Ignacy Domeyko.
Śniadecki's most important book was Początki chemii (The Beginnings of Chemistry), the first Polish-language chemistry textbook. It was used in Polish universities well into the 1930s. Jędrzej was the brother of Jan Śniadecki (mathematician, philosopher and astronomer) and father of Ludwika Śniadecka (Polish activist in Turkey during the partitions). He is buried at the Rasos Cemetery in Vilnius.
More information
Statue of Śniadecki in Żnin          

Polonica stamps:

Lithuania 2018, 18 V